Epipactis, Eriochilus, Eulophia, Goodyera, Gymnadenia, Habenaria, Herschelianthe,  Neottianthe
        key for cultivation end of page

Coloured signs
for cultivation:
no frost
tolerate frost if
absolutely hardy

Size of plants
Prices in €

1y = 1 year out of flask
2y = 2 year out of flask
 F = Flowersize


mairei  dark red flowers Cc F   25,-
gigantea common type Do 1y  4-
gigantea 'Serpentine Night' leaves red flushed Do 1y  5,-
gigantea x royleyana new hybrid Do 1y  5,-
gigantea x Limodorum abortivum let us see Do 1y  15,-
palustris common type Do 1y  3,-
palustris x mairei fast multiplication type Do F  30,-
palustris x veratifolia palustris is motherplant in contrast to 'Sabine' Do 1y  5,-
royleyana pretty flowers Do 2y  18,-
royleyana x Cephalanthera rubra new interesting hybrid Do 1y  15,-
thunbergii beautiful multicolour flowers Cc F   25,-
veratifolia x palustris large white and red flowers Do 1y  3,-
veratifolia x mairei large colourful flowers Do 3y 30,-


cucullatus white and red flowers, remembering to Caladenia Th F  18,-


meleagris blueish flowers Ee 2y 10,-


biflora var. macrantha very large white and pink flowers  ( 4cm sepals ) G F  20,-
foliosa   G F  15,-


orchidis   O F  20,-


balfouriana fyellow flowers He F  25,-
longidenticulata medium sized flowers, showy finged lip He F  25,-
davidii great white flowers, showy fringed lip O F  30,-


quinquangularis flowers like Orchis, 2 spotted leaves He F  35,-
erucuita flowers like Orchis, 2 spotted leaves He F  35,-


lugens unique flowers H 1y  15,-



very large orchids


1y 5,-


pseudodiphylax   Pe F   28,-

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: ( Cypripedium calceolus and related species in cultivation )
Plants grow in cool climate in open woodland conditions: semishade and always slightly moist condition. Compost should never dry out. Good drainage is important. Compost: 3 parts pumice gravel with some perlite and Seramis, 1 part limestone, some clay gravels, small amounts ( 5% ) of organic additives such as cocos fibres. 

( Dactylorhiza ) Best growing in open sunny places. Compost always moist: 1 part pumice gravel, 0.5 part gritty clay 0,5 part low nutrificated ( for seedlings ) organic compost.

E: ( Epipactis palustris, gigantea, veratifolia and hybrids )
Conditions like Do but less more sun and compost with additional 1 part coarse sand.

Ee: ( Eulophia )
Climate for most species as Ea ( see Disa ) but be carefully in watering, they don’t need much water and like it dry in rest period. Compost: very well drainaged mixes with pumice gravels, perlite and some bark for epiphytes. They like much sun.

G: ( Goodyera)
As W but always slightly moist.

H: ( Herschelianthe )
Plants grow in mediterrean climate: More or less dry summers and most water in spring and winter. They need as much sun as possible ( artificial illumination ) during vegetative period and should be dry during rest period. Cultivation is like meditterean european orchids. Compost: coarse sand with pulvered oyster shells ( 5%) and  some cocos fibres.Exellent drainage is important. 

Th: ( Thelymitra, Diuris )
Generally as Ca but compost with few gritty clay and you don’t need acid conditions. A well drainaged sandy mix is acceptable. They need very much sun and Thelymitra flowers are only open over 23°C in sun.

Pe : ( Aminostigma, Poenorchis, Hemipilia )
Asian generas related to Orchis, growing in meadows or between rocks. Plants maybe hardy but winter in natural habitat is much drier than in Europe. Best way is to hold tubers dry and cool in special room during wintertime. Compost and cultivation as O but may be without limestone.

: ( Cynorkis, Disperis )
 Plants are growing in nature in coniferous forests in eastern Africa. Under shady conditions they need dry conditions during rest period. Compost. Pumice gravels with pine needles and some cocosnut fibers.